Saturday, April 28, 2012

Maximum Settings

umbrella 1
Just when you think you have life under control - Boom! Something happens that makes it all collapse like a house of cards. Or just a little bit of Murphy's Law and you're late for that really important meeting. Or you just do really dumb stuff that you wish wouldn't be seen by anybody anywhere. I had several of those days. All the rain (we had no snow for probably more than a month in March) and the basement walls were leaking. Then I went to go to the artist talk and there was no parking for miles. OK just like a few blocks. And it was really warm out and I had worn a sweater as it was lots colder - Up North.

So I've been working on this solarization and it's pretty hard to get it to make that perfect image because as the chemicals wear out they change how they're working. And I get one really great image I like. I bring it home thinking it's dry and then a few days later go to put them away and it's stuck to another print. I did a quick search and found a hint to freeze it. Well it ended up pulling part of the emulsion off the face of the ONE print I really liked.

Now you say, I've been looking at the Starn twins and can't I make it work? Could be. But nothing jumps out at me. I could rip it up and re-arrange it - but once that's done then it's gone. I mean in pieces. Humpty Dumpty. Not gonna be put back together again. So I'm sort of stalling. I'm letting ideas drift around and hopefully I'll get the courage up to try something. I mean it doesn't look good with the white tear in the middle right now.
Regan with dogs
Regan in field
I've been using this time to do some field work. As you can see. I haven't let the two (2) snow storms that dumped about 8 inches of snow each time, stop me. Unfortunately I've shot two rolls of film that didn't turn out as planned. I am working with a pinhole camer and film, which I've used a pinhold camer and photo paper before and that worked, and the timing and weather has not been as I had hoped. Note to those out there who are interested in pinhole cameras or older non-digital techniques - National Pin Hole Camera Day is tomorrow April 29th!

There have been a few new artists I've enjoyed looking at, thanks to Molly Jergens and Sergio V. I was introduced to Stephanie Jung from Germany. If you haven't seen her work, take a moment and search for it. Really wonderful stuff.

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